I participated in a CNN poll whether Donald Trump would look better with no hair.
60% (15333 people) thought he would, while the 40% (10027 people) thought No, he won't look better ...
The poll was created after Trump was challenged by Vince McMahon to a wrestling match, but of course they're not going to wrestle each other!

Each of them will have his own wrestler to compete on his behalf in a "Battle of the Billionaires". If Trump loses, McMahon will shave Trump's head bold.
"Hopefully, I have really dull scissors so I can yank the rest of it out that I can't cut," McMahon said. "But I may be surprised how much Mother Nature has already beaten me to the punch". <--- LOL @ THAT!!! So I kind of saw in my mind's eye how Trump would look like with no hair and made a humble photoshop attempt as to how Trump would look if he's to lose the battle and get all his controversial hair shaved. I personally think he looks better. Now we can all tell Trump's hair "You're fired!"

Here's the original picture of him WITH hair.
Not that I think it matters to any of us,
tut tut tut, how long did it take you to give him a bald head?
If it's more than 10 minutes I will not read your blog anymore. You could have used the time for better use man , maybe writing about the corruption in Jordan.. tut tut tut
LOL, did I scare you? HA HA HA HA
Trump is fugly either way.
well since I represent the bold community here I would say definetly he would look better shaved:)
ya zalameh bas 3an jad tele3 rasoo tanjarah kbeereh bagool el az3ar men wain bejeeb el masaree hada 6anjara 6anajara el az3ar...bas haik ana e6amanet 3a 7alee 6anjartee ebteshbeh 6anjartoo bas 7aki fadi ha la yroo7 fekrek la b3eeed ana emsamsam o eben nas mesh "fugly" zayoo allah yes3edek sho jab el amar lal gerd allah yes3edek bala tashbeeh:)
7aki fadi: for second I thought it wasn't you! Writing about curruption in Jordan? I don't think I'll have time to write that book! But I think you're right 7aki ... he looks ugly both ways I should rephrase my question. it only took me 5 minutes by the way, not that it's great rendering.
tiger: I knew you'd side with the bald Trump, lol. bala tashbeeh tab3an ;-)
Ya zalameh ba3den m3ak, sheklak nawee tseer el insider ta3na:D
Though I hate trump, but I like to watch him talk, this man has no ethics when it comes to business and thats why he is sucessful, ba3den marto 6age3:D This shows that women are all about money:D
Ana ra7at 3lay, eza enta mesh mtjawwez la77eg 7alak o o6lob eed bento, sa7 her voice shway 7'eshen bas alla be3eenak:D
Regarding trumps hair, I say if he looses his hair his money will go with the wind:D
mohanned: I know, I don't like him either, but I liked how he really ridiculed Rosie when he called her a despicable fat slob. She is all that, lol.
But his wife, MAAAAAAAN is she HOT or wot?
ana kaman ra7at 3alay ya sadeeqi, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty by saying Ivanka Trump is FRIGGIN HOT!!!
Tiger: where do you come up with the stuff you say? Mish tabee3y shu bitda7ek..lol ..shkilo although you have a sal3a it did not affect your sense of humor.
lol @ "e6amanet 3a 7alee 6anjartee ebteshbeh 6anjartoo bas 7aki fadi ha la yroo7 fekrek la b3eeed ana emsamsam o eben nas mesh "fugly"
My God I can't stop laughing
Who's sane: Keef bas, I took you there for a second.
The whole Rosie fiasco is just funny, I personally hate her.
either way he is an ugly butt head...but his hair is so fake, he will look a bit more real bald...so i'll vote for bald...
I agree with you guys.. He is extremely ugly, but you know what? It’s part of his character… Trump without his ugly fake looking hair id not Trump, you know what I mean?
So I think I vote for the hair (as I said, I hate it both ways).
of course he looks better shaved. anything in this word looks better than his hair.
Does not he remind you of the Golden Member in Austin Powers movie (ugly man skating in golden suit)
7aki fadi: Rosie 7mara w habla, not even sure if her girlfriend even likes her! :P
sam: he is really ugly. Tried doing my best to make him look a bit less ugly, no can do :( lol
maioush: the hair do is just so ugly, and it's been there since ever! But it's so him, lol
dandoon: I KNOW!! LOL! He does kinda look like him. lol
7aseetak The Insider, akbar barnamej gossip bel 3alam.
I guess for some no money in the world will make u less ugly eh?
oriental: thanks but no thanks, i don't think the world needs another celebrity reporter, lol.
sam: trudat!
He looks ugly both ways :) hehe
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