Although they were from different parts of Jordan, both my grandmothers used to share the same weird curses on me that no one could really explain. But of course I had to master the art of differentiating between these curses and know when it was serious, sarcastic, or when it was a joke.
Some examples:
- y7ok 7atharak (يحك حظرك)
- yiglib ri7mak (يقلب رحمك)
- ybain elli yso66ak or y6ossak depending on the mood (يبين اللي يسطك أو يطسك)
- khara elli yodomlak or yo6morak - when i do something real bad, like when I blew up grama's back yard with kerosene.
Oh the memories!
These are few of the sweet endearments I grew up hearing. Now you'd think anyone growing up hearing this kinda sh!t would need serious therapy, but it's funny how men turn out to look like normal human being with no psychological complexes to mention. As if it was some sort of an Advanced Verbal Immunity System (نظام تمسحة متطور).
I'm not sure if these words even have a meaning. It could be the case that back then someone would come up with a cool curse and then it'd get picked up and used. Who knows ....
Or maybe back then they had some sort of an Annual Cursing Competition where the whole garyeh would meet and the one who comes up with the coolest weirdest curse wins.
Like a 'Coolest Cursing Awards (CCA)', and mokhtar el garyeh, after thorough consideration with the garyeh's council, would present the CCA Award to the most creative curser. Of course there'd be categories, like the funniest curse, the unexplainable curse, and the unpronouncable curse, and so forth ...
And this year's award goes toooooo ....
3ogla el fa6ableh for "allah iyfajjir kawakbak"
.... followed by 3ogla's speech how he wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for his father's continuous beating and his mother's endless swearing and cursing.
Later on they go celebrate and have an eat-all-the-mansaf-you-can-eat treat.
"allah iyfajjir kawakbak" , ta7sheesh.
My grandma used to say " ya imsakhmata" or "ya imsha7barah" ..
LOL my goodness it's been ages. Next time when I visit Amman I will ask taita to tell me all the swear words.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! what a post! I love it! and the CCA award is hilarious! They use very funny yet straight to the point expressions! heheh.. jad nahfeh!
Fayeg o rayeg 3la ha el sobe7:D
Alla yjazi blayshak ya rajol..
7aki: lol yeah, do let us know how it goes with ur taita .. and there's also ya msha77ar, but i guess that's more syrian though.
mrs. al ramahi: thanks! .. glad you liked it :-)
mohanned: I really am .. i have a week off with nothing to do really
Who's Sane: yah yah she calls me ya imshka7arah too, amoot ew a3raf what it means.
I ma sooo sick man (mareedah) that I am semi high on medication right now at work, 7aram dandoon :(.
awwwwww. salamtik 7aki fadi! ybain elli y6osso hal virus shoo enno 7aywan :-(
hehe nice
This has nothing to do with the post, but can you belive that yesterday it was 70 in chicago, I went out to day and guess what?
It is friggggin 28!!
how much would 70 and 28 chicagos be in JD?
Hoo enta mesh 3ayesh bel US?
embare7 el 7arara kanat 22 celcius
El yom -2
Bard el denya sarat ya zalameh!!zhegna el bard el saneh!!
daaaamn! ... hada el wadi3 3indkom gha2im joz2iyan ma3 e7timal tasaqot am6ar ghazeera 3ala al mana6iq l wos6a wal shamaliyeh
w ba3dain who said anything about me living in the US of A? lol
my grand mother must have competed in one of those , and probably won kaman ! :D
Something happened to Tigers blog??!! it's no longer there, shu sar?
lol wafa!
7aki: Yeah i tried checking his blog today but I thought it was a blogger error.
wainak ya tiger? e6la3 min bain el khobbaizeh!
Esma3 3la seeret el 7'obbezeh..
You know the one:
Mnoo elli b7add el teeeneh?
Hath ani ya jeddeh..
Ha, 7'ammantak thabo3:D
shabab '7aalas ana qarart qarar la raj3ata feeeh qararat aba6el at3a6a o kanteejeh la hada el qarar I can't blog le2noo lazem edma'3ee eykoon em3amer lama abalesh balganeh o lazem eykoon wth3ee zenon o men el a'7er ... lel asaf I decided to delete my blog:( bedee ajareb ma a7kee ela 7akee mofeed la modet shahar ... bas la t'7afoo men6ol 3aleeko men wara2 el '7obaizeh been el fayneh wel fayneh:)
tigerrrrrrrr, come on man ... you don't have to stop blogging ... I'm sure you can still blog without being high! :-(
Look at us ... at least I'm not high ... Not sure about 7aki fadi and Mohanned :P ... Please reconsider.
Mohanned: manoo hath? hath any ya jeddi. Mahmood? khammantak thabo3 bagait baddi a6okhak :P
blogging = high man for me am jamaycan on the net
I cant man
about 7aki she is the maaster in high businuess allah la ywa6erzelha 3alamtna el hamaleh
ya zalameh men kothor ma ana high mesh gader at'7ba wara el'7obeizeh ga3ed balef waragha o bada'7nooo lazemlee break ya man :)
regarding this subject of cursing
i used to have a colleague in university who has a problem in the R 7arf el raaa2 and 7arf el lam kan t2eel 3endoo shway imagine what wa his best favourite 3 curses:
1.Allah yekrahak (in his language allah yekaaahak)
2.Ye'7reb ma6anak (in his laguage ye'7leb ma6nnnnnnak).
3.yel3an mabda2ak(yellllll3an mabda2aaaaaaaaaak he was amazed by an idea when he says this one so he was like shouting when he says it)
eaaaaaaah allah yel7am ayaaaamak ya 3abdela7man
taba3an 3am ba7kee 3an shab etjawaz o sar 3endoo ewlad
this guy really desrves the best CCA award world wide because he choosed strange curses and the ones he cant even prounounce right
hahahaha so we used to crack up when he starts swearing
lol,tiger: ana 3alamtak ilhamaleh? leish? inta ijit hamel min 3ind ahlak.
Sane: I am not high either people , I am naturally happy and have the most silly unnecessary ideas and facts stored in my head
I blogged about politics and wiping out poverty and some deep pictures and something about the meaning of my existence so insam badani ew battalit.
Mafi a7lah min il7aki ilfadi
So tiger, you are going to start another blog? I liked the poetry you had in the one you deleted.
What subjects will you tackle in the new blog?
Sorry Who's Sane! We kinda highjacked your blog. Maybe you should start charging Nimer for using your space to make announcements
7aki:lol @ nimer hehehe
sho blog 3an el syaseh o ma el syaseh
hala 3amee sho wedech eday3eena ma ra7 a7chee 3an el faisalee wel we7dat ma bat3ataa seyaseh ana bechooooz el seyaseh ma bet6ale3 da'7aneh bas el 7asheesh wel kaif be6ale3 da'7aneh
kaman kolha 7akee fadee ya3nee 3afwan fekrek bet'3ayree shee law 7akaitee 3an el syaseh..
so u r naturally high men '3air tanawol aya sheeeeee wow u r top top top be 3alam el 7ashasheeen '7alas ja2ezet ele3eb el ndeef lel7asheesh
el poetry ma shofet elek comments 3alaiha by the way ...'7alas ya setee I ll reconsider the poetry part of my blog:)(hada elo mazaaj o ta3meerah mo'7talefeh)
Sane regarding el takaleef el tawleh 3ala 7sabee aboo sharak he3he3he3he3 :)
marah taneyeh allah la ywa6rezlkoo entoo el tnain bedkoo etraj3oona lal edman wel hamaleh wel bloggin wel 7achee el fathee:)
lol @ you two ... 3adi el blog 3ala 7sabkom :P ...
tayyib Tiger, you and I should have a serious talk about the "stuff"!! ;-)
nemir: the poetry was nice and so was the pictures .. and LOL @ allah yel7am ayaaaamak ya 3abdela7man
7aki fadi: I know you don't smoke pot, the stuff you're on are way more better :P .. hehehe kidding 7aki
Nimer: I read them man bas I didn't comment.
Meen majnoon: Ana bashim markers and
This discussion is kinda deteriorating at an alarming pace, khalas bikafee people :)
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