I was listening to Fairuz's beautiful song "Nassam 3alaina El Hawa".
It's funny how you can enjoy something without seriously thinking about it. Yesterday I downloaded this song and enjoyed listening to it. Today I played it, but I listened carefully to the lyrics.
I realized that the song gives me the creeps!
فزعانة يا قلبي ... إكبر بهالغربة ... وما تعرفني بلادي
خدني خدني ... خدني على بلادي
خدني خدني ... خدني على بلادي
You can enjoy listening to the song by clicking play above, or download it here (Right click, save as).
Listen to haifa a7sanlak:D No seriously listen to ellisa:D
Farfesh ya rajol, I don't know lesh e7na bn7eb ennaked 3la 7alna!
wala nakad wala ishi!! hehehe...I can feel my heart dancing listening to this song! It's funny how I used to listen to it while I was visitng in Syria 3 years ago thinking I'm too far from home, not knowing that my life would end up here in CA, where missing home is FOR REAL! I LOVE FAIROUZ!
That song gives me the goosebumps every time I hear it and forcibly places tears in my eyes....
mohanned: you're right. boos el wawa ashraf!
nido: it's really strange how tides turn in our lives
Qwaider: it's like it touches the core of an issue I try not to think of
Who's sane: why does it give you the creeps? And what issue it touches the core of that you try not to think of?
Ana fodooly :)
I love this song, it's funny how you posted it. I recorded it (with me singing) like 3 weeks ago and was/sitll debating if I should post it or not.
7aki fadi: Did you read the Arabic part? Because like her, I'm scared of growing old in a country that I don't belong to, and end up forgotten back in my homeland. That is a serious problem I try not to think of.
still there's no doubt that the song is a classic, although I'm not sure how it'd sound with your singing! :P
Very nice song for fairooz.. All her songs have big meanings!
Don't worry, just focus on not staying forever out of your country and it will all work out for you and you will come back soon, mayb sooner than you even expect!
Qwaider قويدر said...
That song gives me the goosebumps every time I hear it and forcibly places tears in my eyes....
i got the exact same feeling when i listen to this part!
~big sigh~
A third person who feels exactly like Q ,,,
I wonder though how you managed to hear this song many time and not lsn to it ... the part where she says that is so famous !!
I hate Expation ... WA3
bedde mama bedde 3amman ...
One of fairouz's most beautiful songs , i love it when she says : khedneeeeee khedne , khedne 3la bladi
Yeh Its really nice, I like it!
You know what kaman ?
I have never been to Palestine and I always ask myself if my homeland will know me if I go there!
Kol ma akbar bakhaf akter inha ma te3rafny!!!!
msh bainna !
isam: it has been a while since i last heard that song, that particular part of the song never really made sense to me, until i had to live it. Makes perfect sense now.
wafa: yes it is touching
7ala: it's more about the people in your homeland, it's the people and the culture which makes a homeland. So if you've never been to Palestine I really doubt if your homeland will know you. Sad, but true.
Who's Sane: Well man, after some years out you kinda become stuck in between not belonging to either, moo?
And :p, most probably it would suck if I post it. Although at the concert I sang it (and people paid money to watch me sing) and it sounded decent .
this is my husband's song..he feels that exact way...but well serioulsy neither of us knows where we belong...our home land has forgotten us along time ago...so i say no sense crying over it..exept of and move on...but of course since we want our kids to belong somewhere in the arab countries i gotta move and do all the paper work and get them registered in syria as palestinian refugees...so at least they can say i have a homeland somewhere in the mideast one day when they are grown up..
7aki fadi yeh you feel you are torn up between 2 places...but like they say...u can take an arab out of arabia...but u will never take arabia out of an arab..no matter how long they have been away..
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