Friday, April 6, 2007


Thanks 7aki fadi for the tag.

1. If there was a fire at your house and you could save only one thing (item) what would that be?

My bonsai tree (Boubou) ... and NO I did not name her that .. that's just the way it is.

2. What is the most embarrassing situation you have been in?

I had one of the most grumpiest, despicable, clients on the face of the earth. She was the largest thing you'd ever see. Now I don't have a problem with overweight people, au contraire, I find them very sweet and nice. But this lady had some serious issues. Not only did she look hideous, but her attitude was so bitchy it just made it sometimes impossible to work with her. She was really irritating. Me and my colleagues even came up with lots of nicknames for her. Some of the most common were: Her Royal Fatness and Bitch from Hell (I know we're so mean, shame on us) :-E

So one day she sends me an email, and I wanted to forward it to my other colleague to ask about something, but instead of hitting forward and adding my colleagues address, I hit reply and I wrote back:

Hey Amber,

Bitch from hell is following up on what happened with the brochure.

And I send it directly back to the Bitch from Hell.

Needless to say, it was reported to my boss and I was immediately taken off the account!

Very embarassing!

3. If you can do over a part of your life, what will you change?

I guess I should've tried harder to stay in Jordan.

Tiger, Mohanned Al Arabiat, you're both tagged ... you're it! ... (3ala abo ommak) <-- WTF?


Mohanned said...

I had the question for long but didn't know who to ask: What is TAG!!

Who-sane! said...

Mohanned: ya3ni you have to answer the same questions and then tag someone else, eza biddak of course. Enno haik it's a way to make blogging more interesting I guess.

Tiger said...

mohannad TAG ma3nataha bel dawaween 3alam 3aleek

ya3nee Meen Majnoon ga3ed be3alem 3aleena:)

7aki Fadi said...

Who's Sane: OMG that is embarrassing, so did you have to apologize too? I think if I was caught I would die because all we do at work is make fun of people.

This reminds me of a coworker who once sent a dirty joke and instead of just sending it to like 3 of us she sent it to the whole the Branch email group, 300 people. She was mortified tried to recall it, my gosh it was a disaster.

Tiger said...
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Tiger said...

7aki hahahaha one day a friend of mine recived a dirty SMS very dirty okay

so by mistake he forwarded it to his mom number

his mom replied the same SMS but with !?!?!

Meen Majnoon : what do u meen by

you're both tagged ... you're it! ... (3ala abo ommak) <-- WTF?

Mohanned said...

Ma 7ada be3llem 3lay ya m3allem:D
ba3den la ma3loomatek ya nemer whos sane m3na meen 3agel ya rayeg:D
One more question:
I answer the tag on my blog just like you did?!

Tiger said...

I know it is not related to the subject but i liked this one and I dont have a blog o qaraet akoon bege7 o asta3mel blog sadeeqee elee 3azamnee 3alaih meen majnoon(ana ba7eb adal3oo meeen majnoon mesh shart eykoon ma3na esmo!!!)

check it out

empty talk this charecater didcation for u :P

Who-sane! said...

tiger: ya3ni you guys have to answer the same questions (ON YOUR BLOG!)

Mohanned: yes, answer the questions and tag someone else if you want to, that's the point of it, to keep it going. :-)

7aki: I tried denying it cuz it was just too embarassing, of course that didn't work. And I didn't realize I'd sent it to her until my boss called and informed me. I eventually had to apologize but what's done was done. Now I'm very careful when I send emails, good lesson :-)

Tiger said...

Meen Majnoon check out my blog :)