Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yir7am Jiddak: Part 1

To whom it may or may not concern ...

Setting: Somewhere in Jordan, sometime in the past, two Jordanians in their early twenties in a small cold room with a soubbit Roumo (kerosene heater) bifasfiso bizir abul shilin :

Jordanian 1: 3al 3afyeh!
Jordanian 2: hala!

Jordanian 1: kaifak?
Jordanian 2: mlee7, enta kaif?

Jordanian 1: wallah makil khara ya zam <--- short for zalameh

Jordanian 2: wal, laish ya zam?

Jordanian 1: garfan w 6afran w melta3in el sharaf taba3i
Jordanian 2: ya zam 3adi ... ya3ni hoo la7alak, ma 3adam el mo2akhatheh, bas kolna 6afraneen w makleen khara

Jordanian 1: 3a goultak wallah ya abu shreek, el kol 6afran w zahgan, wil mout ma3 el jama3a ra7meh
Jordanian 2: ya zalameh smi3it shoo sar bi folan?

Jordanian 1: la2, shoo malo?
Jordanian 2: a3tak 3omro!

Jordanian 1: lah lah lah ... ra7mato allah 3alaih, kan zalameh 6ayyib
Jordanian 2: fi3lan, wil kol be7mid feeh

Jordanian 1: yallah shoo bidna nsawwi
Jordanian 2: ma hay 7al el dinya

Setting: Some where in the future, after immigrating to a better country, the two very same Jordanians meet.

Jordanian 1: what up dude?
Jordanian 2: yoooo, keefak buddy?

Jordanian 1: shoo? whats cookin?
Jordanian 2: mafi shee ... just chillaxin' man!

Jordanian 1: tab wain el chicks ya dude?
Jordanian 2: they took my jaggy and ra7o to get some more drinks, u know .. lzoom el ga3deh, ehhh 2azdi el 2a3deh ya man

Jordanian 1: akeed man, akeed
Jordanian 2: yooo duuuuuude, did u see shoo sar fi Anna Nicole Smith

Jordanian 1: la2 shoo sar?
Jordanian 2: bigollak, ehhh gazdi bi2ollak, ehhh 2azdi bi2ollak enno she died

Jordanian 1: lah lah lah, not cool man
Jordanian 2: yaaaaa, not cool bil marra ya man

Jordanian 1: did you watch el video taba3ha?
Jordanian 2: min zaman ya man

To be continued ...


Tiger said...

this is called Shabab Dwaween after major upgrade v2.5 hahahaha

or u can call them shabab dawaeen snickers :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where's ur: "to whome it may or may not concern" introductory? ana de3et ma3refet iza this is "to me or not" :)

Who-sane! said...

tiger: excellent title, thanks for the tip ;-)

7aki fadi: thanks :-)

mariam ayyash: oops! must've slipped, ok now it's to whom it may or may not concern :-)

Mohanned said...

I have seen the exact same situation(dwaween 3mman kef beseero b USA), o hala 3ammi:D

Anonymous said...

u reminded me of an opposite joke, about a khaleelee man who sent his son away to live in Canada to get away as much as possible from the khaleele mentality, so after 27 years the kid comes home and his father goes out to the airport to receive him, and their, when the son comes running to his dad saying: hello daaaaaaaaaaaaaad (khaleelee accent) :D

Mohanned said...

and yes,
Whats up with ann!!I stopped watching TV since she died!!every second there is something about her!!

Who-sane! said...

mohanned arabiat: then which one of them are you? Jordanian 1 or 2? lol ....
but seriously ... what the hell has gotten into the media around the world these days? don't they have anything better to report besides the sad demise of an ex playboy playmate? Aren't there wars going on out there? DAMN!!

mariam ayyash: looooooool, nahfeh!! helloo daaaaaad heheehehee!

Mohanned said...

Now there is a new story in the US, SANJAYA if you heared of him:D
Ya 3ammi ana ab3rafesh a7ki engleeze, so la type on wala 2:D

Mrs. Al Ramahi said...

looooooooooooooooooooool! Yes this happens.. Jad kef be3esho el dor faj2a! hehe! :) nice one!

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, wala eshi.. el wade3 mn el a5er :D
el nahfaneh enno 3an jad heak shabab 3amman LOOOOOOOL

Шαғα said...

LOL , hilarious
the same old dawaween , but new vocabulary ! :D

Who-sane! said...

mohanned: I only heard of Sanjaya on the blogosphere, but I don't understand why the hell are they even bothering with him! Like I'd understand why Anna Nicole Smith got all that kinda publicity with all the assets and the big stuff, but this ugly 17 year old kid who can barely sing? beats me man!

maioush, wafa: thanks ... glad you like it :-)

Anonymous said...

I want to commit suicide ( by poking my eye with a sharp pencil) every time I see Snajayas stupid face on TV, if he wins, he will be the demise of pop culture in the states.

I crack up every time he is safe and Simons face gets soooo red as if he
is about to have a heart attack

Who-sane! said...

Sanjaya should go and F himself ... sorry I mean do naughty stuff to himself! For real.

But poking your eye with a sharp pencil - that's just sheer brilliance 7aki, 3an jad. It gave me an idea to a new post on how people would like to kill themselves, sharp pencil, throw yourself off a 100 stories skyscraper. You know ... cool no?

Tiger said...

who the hell is shanjay that u want to kill urself for even the name is so Fup sorry "naughty" up to be killed for !!!:)

Tiger said...

who's sane u want gosas dawaeen i dont know if u heard it before it is called sho sar 2
(guys it is little ya3nee '7adesheh lal 7ya2 el 3am elee beste7eee ma ykamel qera2ah please 3ashan ma yet2aza masha3roo o ydaye3 el snickers taba3too)

it goes like this

Jordanian 1: ya3teeko el 3afyeh shabab

Jordanian 2: hala hala bel 3areet hala

Jordanian 1: ya'7wan ma 3reftoo sho sar ma3ee hadak el yoom

Crowd: Sho Saaaaaaaaaaaaaar(in a very commercial accent)

Jordanian 1: Ro7t asba7 bel ba7r el mayet...

Jordanian 3: be3arth o'7tak tab sho saaaaaaaaaaaaar?(in the same funny accent)

Jordanian 1: 3adatnee samakeh s'3eereh....

Jordanian 2: teeeeet teeeeeeet teeeet samakeh s'3eereh 3adatak?!!!

Jordanian 1: a'7o ha naughteyeh sa7eeeeleee!!!!(in a low voice)

Jordanian 1:ya'7wan ma 3alaeena '7alna enkamel hal gesah!!!

Jordanian 1: hathak el yoom wna nazel 3al ba7er el mayet./

Jordanian 3(inturupting):be3ard o'7tak tab sho sar!!!???

Jordanian 1:le7egnee 7oot..

Jordanian 2:7oot le7gak teeet teeeeet ma a3ra6ak..

Jordanian 1:a'7oo hal naughteyeh sho sa7eelee!!!!

Jordanian 1:ya'7wan ma 3alaina '7aleena enkamel hal gesah

Jordanian 3(inturrupting):be3ard o'7tak tab kamel.....(commercial voice)

Jordanian 1:yfda7 naughtak '7aleenee a7kee hadak el yoom o ana nazel 3al ba7r el mayet ajait asba7

Jordanian 2(inturrupting) : ya a'7oo hal naughteyeh manta bet3raf tesba7 ..

Jordanian 1(angry) : walak e'3reget be teeeeeeeeet teeeeeeet e'3reget.

Jordanian 3:be 3ard ao'7tak tab sho saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar (commercial)

Jordanian 1:teeeeeet teeeeeeeeeet teeeeeeeeeeet teeeeeeeeeeet ya a'7oo hal naughteyeh...

Who-sane! said...

LOL Tiger. I think i've heard that but the end was something like "akalni akalni". lol

Tiger said...

this was Sho Sar part 1
this is part 2 el ba7r el mayet

part 1 was about the desert o asad

7aki Fadi said...

Tiger: hal anta tata3atta almukhadarat? la3anaho la yumikn ankka mud7ek bedonn "smoking up"

English translation, what are you smoking buddy cos I want some.

Tiger said...

7aki am always high more than jamaycans

em3amer dma'3ee 3al a'7er
3amaaaaaaaaaaaar ya maasrrr

Who-sane! said...

7aki fadi: 3an jad shiklo tiger ma3teeha, lol

tiger: i want some of whatever you're on. I'm serious. I do. :P

7aki fadi again: la3anaho? It's official, tiger is not the only one who smokes crack around here. lol

Anonymous said...

ha3 ha3 ha3.

I think we are officially askhaf 3 bloggers on the Jordanian blogsphere

An Oriental Blog said...

lol this is typical, funny and sad at the same time. 3njad yer7am jidhom

Isam said...

nice blog dude (or duduette i couldnt figure out !)

i was surprised that someone actaully uses ya zam ... but its turn out this is a zam's world after all :)

u can count on me for an incereased stat on a daily basis :)

Who-sane! said...

hey isam. you are most welcomed! :-)

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?