Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Groundbreaking Event!

To whom it may not concern ...

Alright this is a quick one.

So last month we sent out an invitation to some VIP's and senior journalists for a "groundbreaking event" that my company was organizing (I work in events & PR).

For the VVIP's who don't speak English, I had asked my colleague to send them an Arabic invitation, which she did.

The next day, I started receiving calls from those VVIP's asking what the hell was the event all about, and different kinds of weird stuff. So I immediately asked my colleague to send me a copy of the Arabic invitation which she'd sent them, and what did it say?

It was supposed to say something like:

You are cordially invited to the groundbreaking occasion of blah blah

And I sh!t you not, the Arabic equivalent read:

ندعوكم لحضور حفل تكسير أول بلاطة

Now excuse me please while I stab my heart with a BiC pen.


Mrs. Al Ramahi said...

loooooooooooooooooooooooooool! Oh my! this is one big mistake! She needs to learn english all over again!

Who-sane! said...

lol mrs. ramahi,

I think she needs to learn a language first!

7aki Fadi said...

I would consider changing the choice of object to stab yourself with; I personally prefer to stab myself with a pencil and in the head when I work with stupid people..

Taught you to proofread anything before it goes out, didn’t it? :)

Who-sane! said...

7aki fadi, I really did grab a pencil but couldn't find a sharpener! :-( So I had to grab the closest sharp item next to me! You're right though, next time I kill myself I'll definitely use a pencil! :P

And yes it was a good lesson, nothing goes out without proofreading!

Anonymous said...

wahahaha! she needs to STOP USING GOOGLE TRANSLATOR!

but u know what? 7afel takseer awwal balata, really would be grabbing attention if it was a launching event, but jordanian heads, especialy those who dont know english, are used to "ground-breaking" so no use of being funny! :D

Ta2e3 said...

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool,,,, but you know what?!?! it's nice after all (tadol 3ala ebda3) lol

Who-sane! said...

mariam ayyash: i tried google translator and even THAT didn't translate it as takseer awwal bala6a! Trust me, only a person with a ONE digit IQ would do that. lol

ta2e3: fi3lan ebda3 if you're thinking "How can I get a client to fire our agency without getting him to think twice!" ... lol

Sam said...

that is soo funny!!*LOOOOOOOOL* talk about stupid translation...i wonder what dictionary she used...

Anonymous said...

hi who's-sane. ya i also have some nice stories about miscommunication

Who-sane! said...

hey sam,

I think she used the "Dictionary That Will Sure Get You Fired" dictionary. lol

tariq: thanks for dropping by, and please be my guest, stories are welcomed.

Oula said...

krkrkrkkrkr... who hired this genius?

Who-sane! said...

OULA!! KEEFIK w keef hubby w natalie?

Mahoo that's the catastrophe. I am that genius who hired her :( ... yes yes, I admit ... I'm not a great judge of character.

Anyways, I'm spending my last days at work.

Will keep you updated with that. :)

Anonymous said...

hadi ta7sheeeeeesh hehehehe
bs sara7a.. mesh mawqef :D

Tiger said...

7afel takseeer awal balataaaaah hahahahahaha

bas ok a questioon keef fehmat eno takseer awal bala6ah means ground breakin hahahahahaha

bas belive me she knows how to draw ur clints attention

o mnee7 ma 7akat 7afel takseer awal balatah 3ala roosko
kan kemlat
sa33etha bedak ya m3alem box of pencils to stab ur self with:)

Who-sane! said...

maioush: balatah, amazing how some people think? lol

tiger: hahahahaha, awwal balatah 3a roosko! lol

FATEN said...
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FATEN said...

teach her the word "defenstrate" and tell her to perform it on herself next time! we'll laugh harder at the story you'll have to tell.

yes i'm a word-geek, got that word from the free online dictionary's word of the day and i was just waiting for the chance to present itself to use it...omg did i just share too much?

i just wanted to say loool but i saw amal has already used it :P

Who-sane! said...

faten: hahahahaha. AMAZING WORD!! I checked the meaning out and it fits perfectly!

She should really defenestrate herself! ;-)